JavaScript Client

Example Usage

For use with web based applications, a JavaScript library (amber.js) is included.

Create a single connection to the server

The first step in instantiating a socket connection with the server through JavaScript, is by using the library provided by Amber. Place the route that was created on the server side in the as the endpoint to which the front end will connect to.

let socket = new Amber.Socket('/chat')
socket.connect() # returns a promise
  .then(() => {})

Join a channel

After the promise passes, include the following code in the function from within the .then that will be triggered.

let channel ='chat_room:123')

In the above example, chat_room is the channel that was created on line 2 of the ChatSocket struct. You can dynamically create separate channels within the prefix of chat_room: by appending any character after the colon. This allows for the creation of chatrooms that will allow different clients to connect to it.

Send events / messages

When you need to send a message after a user submits the form that includes their message, you'll want to push it out to the server for it to be rebroadcast to all connected clients.

channel.push('message_new', { message: 'amber websockets are the bomb diggity!' })

Subscribe to events / messages

After a message is sent, you'll need to have a listener that listens to a specific subject from within the socket channel. For example, below the subject of message_new is being listened to from within the chat_room:123 channel. You may also have a listener on the subject of user_join to notify active connections of a new user to the chatroom.

channel.on('message_new', (message) => {
  // handle new message here

channel.on('user_join', (message) => {})

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