The generators in amber are a great way to get an application up and running quickly. In addition, they help keep code consistent and following convention.
Example Usage
You can always see the available generators by running amber generate as below:
$ amber generate
Parsing Error: The TYPE argument is required.
amber generate [OPTIONS] TYPE NAME [FIELDS1 FIELDS2...]
FIELDS (multiple) user:reference name:string body:text age:integer published:bool
NAME name of resource
TYPE scaffold, model, controller, migration, mailer, socket, channel, auth
--no-color Disable colored output
Generators can be used multi-word names, the class names will be CamelCase and file names will be snake_case, the command line input can be either:
Scaffolding will create the model (and specs), views, controller (and specs) and migrations for a resource. Additionally, it will add the new resource to the nav bar and
Recipes are available to generate Scaffolding, Controller and Model artifacts in ways that vary from the standard built in generator. See the Recipes option of the Command Line Tool for more information about using recipes to generate applications.