Amber Auth
Familiar with MVC and terms such as Migrations, Database
Amber Framework CLI already installed (Installation Instructions)
Terminal console
Virtually all web applications require a registering and authenticating users. As a result, most web frameworks have an excessive amount of options for implementing authentication. Amber Framework differs by providing a built-in generator for simple yet secure authentication that is sufficient yet easily extended at a later time. Amber allows you to get started writing your application without getting bogged down in application boilerplate.
Using Amber Auth Generator
1. Generate Blogsy App
First, we generate our app by typing the following command in a terminal console.
The --deps
will automatically install project dependencies. -d sqlite
builds the project with a SQLite database.
2. Go to your project directory
Commands are performed within the root directory of our project.
3. Scaffold the User Authentication
Next, we will scaffold our authentication system. The scaffold will generate several files to build a basic authentication system.
The above command will give you the following output:
To finalize installing the generated authentication system, we have to migrate the database.
Now we can run our local development server and see our working authentication system.
4. Sign up and Sign in Pages
To see the signup page visit
Amber framework provides an authentication system generator that allows you to focus on build your application rather than implementation details. The built-in authentication generator is not a full-featured authentication system, it provides the basic framework and can be extended as needed.
Last updated