You may find yourself looking for a more advanced way to build your HTML forms that is both simple and productive. For this we recommend the optional shard
Features of
Easily generate HTML markup for forms, labels, inputs, and help text
Support for error messages for your validations
Creates markup for the following UI libraries out of the box such as Bootstrap (v2-v4), Bulma, Foundation, Materialize, Milligram & Semantic UI
Custom theme support
Because this is an optional addon you must install and require it in your Amber project.
Then require it within the config/ file:
require "form_builder"
The following field types are supported:
FormBuilder in View Templates (Example in Slang)
== FormBuilder.form(theme: :bootstrap_4_vertical, action: "/products", method: :post, form_html: {style: "margin-top: 20px;", "data-foo" => "bar"}) do |f|
== csrf_tag
### -- Field Options
### type : (String | Symbol)
### name : (String | Symbol)?
### label : (String | Bool)? = true
### help_text : String?
### value : (String | Symbol)?
### -- Note: The `input_html["value"]` option will take precedence over the :value option (except for `type: :textarea/:select`)
### errors : (Array(String) | String)?
### -- Note: Array(String) generates a list of help text elements. If you have an Array of errors and you only want a single help text element, then join your errors array to a String
### -- For the following Hash options, String keys will take precedence over any Symbol keys
### input_html : (Hash | NamedTuple)? ### contains attributes to be added to the input/field
### label_html : (Hash | NamedTuple)? ### contains attributes to be added to the label
### wrapper_html : (Hash | NamedTuple)? ### contains attributes to be added to the outer wrapper for the label and input
### help_text_html : (Hash | NamedTuple)? ### contains attributes to be added to the help text container
### error_html : (Hash | NamedTuple)? ### contains attributes to be added to the error container(s)
== f.field name: "product[name]", label: "Name", type: :text, errors: product_errors["name"]
== f.field name: "product[description]", label: "Description", type: :textarea, input_html: {class: "foobar"}, wrapper_html: {style: "margin-top: 10px"}, label_html: {style: "color: red;"}
== f.field name: "product[file]", type: :file, help_text: "Must be a PDF", help_text_html: {style: "color: blue;"}
== f.field name: "product[available]", type: :checkbox, label: "In Stock?"
== f.field name: "product[class]", type: :radio, label: false
== f.field name: "product[secret]", type: :hidden, value: "foobar"
### -- Additional Options for `type: :select`
### collection : (Hash | NamedTuple) = {
### options : (Array(String) | Array(String | Array(String)) | String) ### Required, Note: The non-Array String type is for passing in a pre-built html options string
### selected : (String | Array(String))?
### disabled : (String | Array(String))?
### include_blank : (String | Bool)?
### }
### -- Note: String keys will take precedence over any Symbol keys
### -- When passing a nested array to collection[:options] the Option pairs are defined as: [required_value, optional_label]
- opts = [["A", "Type A"], ["B" "Type B"], ["C", "Type C"], "Other"]
== f.field name: "product[type]", label: "Type", type: :select, collection: {options: opts, selected: ["B"], disabled: ["C"]}
FormBuilder in Plain Crystal Code
When using the FormBuilder.form method in plain Crystal code, the << syntax is required to add the generated field HTML to the form HTML string
form_html_str = FormBuilder.form(theme: :bootstrap_4_vertical, action: "/products", method: :post, form_html: {style: "margin-top: 20px;", "data-foo" => "bar"}) do |f|
f << csrf_tag
f << f.field(name: "name", type: :text, label: "Name")
f << f.field(name: "sku", type: :text, label: "SKU")
f << "<strong>Hello World</strong>"
OR you can use the lower level instead:
The form builder is capable of handling error messages too. If the :errors argument is provided it will generate the appropriate error help text element(s) next to the field.
Out of the box Form Builder can generate HTML markup for a variety of popular UI libraries. Custom Themes are also supported, please see the README for details.
The current list of built-in themes are as follows.
Bootstrap 4
theme: :bootstrap_4_vertical
theme: :bootstrap_4_inline
theme: :bootstrap_4_horizontal or theme: ["col-sm-3","col-sm-9"])
Bootstrap 3
theme: :bootstrap_3_vertical
theme: :bootstrap_3_inline
theme: :bootstrap_3_horizontal or theme: ["col-sm-3","col-sm-9"])